Two growth centers opened Borujen Lordegan Sattari Product devel
  • Jul 27 2021 - 15:45
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Two growth centers opened in Borujen and Lordegan | Sattari: Product development is determined by the private sector; Shahrekord has the necessary infrastructure to expand the innovation ecosystem

The Vice President of Science and Technology continued his visit to Chaharmahal Bakhtiari and went to the Science and Technology Park to be closely acquainted with the activities of this complex.

In this part of Sorena Sattari's trip, the lands of the campus of the province's science and technology park were handed over, growth centers were set up in Borujen and Lordegan, and the Shahrekord boys' technical school was set up.

The Vice President for Science and Technology said in the province's Science and Technology Park: "Good activities of been formed in the province to develop the technology and innovation ecosystem." I have repeatedly emphasized that development is not a hardware concept and we will not achieve it by setting up a factory. After a long time, we came to the conclusion that development is a software thing and now we consider it a cultural concept.

The head of the National Elites Foundation also stated: In the macro sector, if investment is made in the field of education; We must see its effects on society and life and lead to economic growth. Therefore, all that is happening to expand the technology and innovation ecosystem is for this education to be effective and for universities to find their true place. Because universities are the center of development, innovation and change. This also happens when we create the necessary culture.

He pointed out that in the science and technology park, the investment ratio of the private sector to the government should be 8 to one, he continued: At present, the private sector has invested 10 thousand billion tomans in the campus technology park. So, if this ecosystem is formed properly, then the universities will become the center of the province's development.

The Vice President of Science and Technology said that the establishment of innovation zones and the creation of technology cities are the result of the development of this thinking.

The head of the culture and knowledge-based economy and the development of soft and creative industries headquarters stated: Although Shahrekord is one of the centers that started its activities in this field late, but it has an extraordinary infrastructure. There are good universities and a large number of students in the province, all of which include the infrastructure for the development of this ecosystem.

In the other part of the trip, the Virtual Development Center of Borujen was inaugurated by the Vice President for Science and Technology.

  Also, in continuation of the trip, the Lordegan Growth Center was launched virtually by the Vice President for Science and Technology.

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